Dance Lessons
Beginner Dance Instruction -- Entertainment

Classes start Tuesday, January 30th, 2018, 6:45pm
at Maple Grove Grange -- 3130 Youngfield, Golden, CO (see map)

John & Karen Herr
(Your Instructors)

A Jive danced at a state-wide event
Have Fun and Meet New Friends
(You learn faster when you are having fun!)
Great Exercise for your Heart and Body
Expert Instructors/Entertainers
(see resume below)
Learn: Various rhythms such as Waltz, etc.
(Other lessons available for Rumba, Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, etc.)

Register to Attend (free)
Registration is not required.  You may simply show up at the door.

Would you like to go out dancing with your 'sweetheart'?
A few dance lessons and you're ready.
More about Dancing and Lessons: click HERE

You enjoy friends. You like to have fun. You appreciate the effects of exercise. Would you then enjoy all these benefits in a single evening? Here's the solution. Come and spend an evening with us.         These lessons will be for:
       Future lessons will be for other rhythms.
       (Such as Waltz or Foxtrot.)
  Dancing will boost your physical fitness, mental sharpness, emotional mood and social connections. Never danced before? Try it anyway! You'll have a great time.

Make Your Reservation

  Reservations are quick, easy and free.
  Hurry -- space is limited.
   We don't send spam, ever! We never disclose your name to anyone!

  Your Name(s):    (Required)

  City, State, Zip:    (Optional)

  Email Address:    (Required)

  Home Phone:    (Optional)

  Cell Phone:    (Optional)

   Including yourself, how many in your party?


  Questions or Comments?
       Email us at:

Your Instructors/Entertainers

John & Karen Herr

   ** Teaching Ballroom Rhythms Over 30 years.

   ** Featured Instructors at many Weekends &
        Conventions across the nation/world.

   ** Certified Clinicians by International Association of
        Round Dance Teachers (IARDT).

   ** Previous Chairman of the Board of Directors of IARDT.

   ** Runs multiple clubs/classes in Denver and hired by other
        dance organizations in all levels of dance.

   ** Incorporates FUN to make learning easier.

   ** Skilled in the art of Teaching Methods, speeding up the
        learning process dramatically.

   ** To learn more about your instructors, click HERE

   ** What do others say about your instructors, click HERE